On The Subject Of Women: Why Neil Gorsuch’s Off-Handed Comments Are A Problem
Casual comments reinforcing negative gender stereotypes don’t help anyone.
Casual comments reinforcing negative gender stereotypes don’t help anyone.
* Martin Shkreli's hearing before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has been rescheduled due to this weekend's blizzard. This will give the reviled pharma bro even more time to brush up on constitutional law. [CBS News] * Uh-oh! Thanks to some "cash flow issues" -- like partners not being paid on time -- King & Wood Mallesons is currently in the process of raising capital and will be conducting a review of its overall financial structure. [Big Law Business / Bloomberg] * Cert denied! The justices of the Supreme Court may have bought these lawyers' arguments and struck down a crucial part of the Voting Rights Act in the Shelby County case, but they're certainly not buying their request for $2 million in legal fees. [Reuters] * A hate crime without a resolution? Police are closing their investigation into the defacement of black professors' portraits at Harvard Law without having found a perp. Maybe they decided to take Elie Mystal's advice not to feed the trolls. [Boston.com] * Florida State settled a lawsuit filed by Erica Kinsman, a former student who claimed Jameis Winston raped her, for $900K, but the school claims $700K of that amount will go to her legal team. Her lawyers, however, would politely beg to differ. [USA Today]
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* Nice try. Woman tries to add insurance coverage from the ambulance after the crash. [Legal Juice] * Charles Pierce is a great writer. Not that keen at sports prognostication, though. I'll let Urban Meyer respond to Pierce's prediction of a "whopping win" by Florida State. [Lawyers, Guns & Money] * You've seen our 10 most read stories of the year. Check out the top 10 from our friends across the pond. [Legal Cheek] * "Conservatism and porn." OK, Professor Nita Farahany. You know how to get the attention of Above the Law. [The Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post] * "NEW YORK POLICE SHOOTING ATTORNEYS." Perhaps not the most lucid headline. [Sullivan Papain] * Writing a blog post about a judge's on-the-record comments is not defamation. Unfortunately we actually needed a ruling on that one. [New York Law Journal] * Are you at AALS? Here's a Happy Hour for you! [Concurring Opinions]
* A cautionary tale about using online dating to cheat on your spouse — you might end up upwards of $54K poorer. [Legal Cheek] * Alabama wasted time and energy passing a ballot measure for the purely symbolic purpose of reaffirming Xenophobia? Shocking! [The Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post] * Interesting tale of reporting a female boss for sexual harassment. [Vice] * When the police inevitably come down on you, turn off your iPhones first. [Versus Texas] * 6 Hilarious Trials That Prove the Legal System Is Screwed. [Cracked] * CCAF is hiring. Good pay, flexible hours. Sounds like a great gig if you hate plaintiffs’ firms. [Center for Class Action Fairness] * Should Jewish judges recuse themselves in Palestinian terrorism cases? Um. No? [Tablet Magazine] * Jameis Winston’s lawyer is just the worst. [Jezebel]
* Florida State QB Jameis Winston is still in a heap of legal trouble and it turns out his best legal move might just be to drop out. It’d save him the trouble of getting demolished by Mississippi State. [Sports Illustrated] * A follow-up on the Yale Law/Colombia Prostitution/Secret Service/Obama scandal. An amateur poet was hot on this story from the start and sent cryptic verse about it to a Yale student paper way back in the day. [Ivy Gate Blog] * Ron Swanson explains lawyers. Best line, “The man who kills me will know.” [Legal Cheek] * Remember when the Texas Supreme Court cited Walter from Big Lebowski? Now we have the proper citation form for the occasion. [The Legal Satyricon] * Perdue has settled two lawsuits against it over the use of the phrase “humanely raised.” Apparently its chickens were “not that.” [Salon] * One lawyer explains why it’s high time we eliminate this holiday. [Katz Justice]
When it comes to crime, this week has brought us a bit of a referendum on this topic with one athlete dominating his field while another preaches randomness.
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My father had a theory. Like most of his theories, he freely admitted that he had probably heard or read it somewhere else. At any rate, the theory involved the scrubs who sat at the end of NBA benches and how a subtle and acceptable racism dictated that those guys who would never see the […]
* Florida State QB Jameis Winston was not charged with sexual assault after a nearly year-long investigation (well, it happened a year ago… it sounds like no one did much investigating at that time). What comes next? I mean aside from FSU demolishing their next two opponents. [Sports Illustrated] * Sadly, former South African president and civil rights leader Nelson Mandela has passed away. University of Maryland Law School, go ahead and let the world know... [CNN] * America’s probably unstable, definitely troubled sweetheart Amanda Bynes is coming closer and closer to a plea deal over her infamous bong toss. [New York Post] * A lawyer-turned-candidate provides the optimist's guide to running for office. For the pessimist's guide see John McCain's, "Jesus, I Picked Who?" [Huffington Post] * Next week, the Court will hear argument on EPA v. EME Homer City Generation. This is why you should care. [Constitutional Accountability Center] * People are super mad about the NYPD’s new “Stop and Kiss” program. The program only exists in The Onion, but that doesn’t stop most people from making unsolicited, snap decisions that no one asked them to make. At press, the Second Circuit had already preemptively barred Judge Shira Scheindlin from hearing any case on the fictional program. [Gawker] * Speaking of the NYPD, Mayor-Elect Bill De Blasio, who ran on a platform of reforming the NYPD, has named a new police commissioner and selected… one of Giuliani’s old police commissioners. Way to go, champ! Seriously, there are law enforcement professionals out there capable of running the NYPD beyond the last couple guys who ran it. This is like buying a marquee NFL team and saying, “I hear Norv Turner is available.” [Salon] * Professor David E. Bernstein contributed an essay on the Lochner decision to the new book Toward an American Conservatism: Constitutional Conservatism during the Progressive Era (affiliate link). [The Volokh Conspiracy] * An interview with this Yale Law beatboxer. Did we mention he’s a bald Jewish kid? Well, he is. [JTA] * David and Elie talked to Bloomberg about bonuses. Video embedded after the jump…
Alex Rodriguez tries his version of the human emotion "anger."